The Swiss Parkour Tour (SPT) is the event platform for Parkour in Switzerland. Since 2019, we have been promoting the fascinating sport of parkour in collaboration with our member organisations across Switzerland. 


  • stay true to culture
  • competition follows training


  • Promoting Parkour within and outside of the Swiss parkour community.
  • Providing an event system to promote jams.
  • Providing a regulated and suitable competition system for the sport of parkour.
  • Supporting our members in the organisation of jams and competitions.

JAM | true to culture

Jams are the core events in parkour. At a parkour jam, different parkourists come together at one spot to train together, be inspired by each other, get to know each other and exchange ideas. Jams are organised by parkour-clubs, -teams, but also by individuals.

COMPETITION | competition follows training

Competitions are the second event category in parkour. Currently there are three popular competition formats where athletes compete against each other:

  • Skill Competition
  • Speed Competition
  • Freestyle Competition